Logistics is most closely related to which element of the marketing mix?

Logistics may sound like a fancy word for something boring, but it's actually a crucial element in the marketing mix. So, let's answer the question: which element of the marketing mix is logistics most closely related to? First, let's define logistics. It's the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the movement of goods from the … [Read more…]

What is an impression in marketing?

In the world of marketing, there are a lot of terms that are thrown around like confetti at a parade. One of those terms is "impression." But what exactly is an impression in marketing? Is it the same as the impression you leave on your mother-in-law when she comes to visit? (We hope not). In … [Read more…]

What is growth marketing?

Growth marketing is a buzzword that has been floating around the marketing world for the past few years. But what exactly is it? Is it a new technique, a new theory or just a fancy name for something we’ve already been doing for a while? In this article, we’ll explore what growth marketing is, how … [Read more…]

Marketing: What is a lead?

Marketing: What is a Lead? If you're in the world of marketing, you've probably heard the term "lead" thrown around more times than a hot potato at a family picnic. But what exactly is a lead? In the simplest terms, a lead is a potential customer. Someone who has shown interest in your product or … [Read more…]

What is societal marketing?

Societal marketing is a concept that is often talked about in the world of advertising and marketing. But what is it exactly? Is it a new way of selling products, or is it just another buzzword that has been thrown around by marketers to sound cool? In this article, we will explore what societal marketing … [Read more…]

What is difference between marketing and advertising?

Marketing and advertising are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same thing. While both are essential for the success of any business, they have different objectives and strategies. Understanding the difference between marketing and advertising can help you create a more effective marketing plan and achieve your business goals. First, let's define what … [Read more…]

How to Get Into Marketing

Marketing is the art of selling products, services or ideas to a specific audience. It is a dynamic field that requires creativity, strategic thinking, and constant adaptation to changes in the market. If you're interested in a career in marketing, you're in luck! In this article, we'll provide you with some tips on how to … [Read more…]

What is sports marketing?

Sports marketing is the strategic use of sporting events, athletes, and teams to promote a brand or product. It's like using a bullhorn to shout out to the world, "Hey, look at me, I'm cool, and I love sports!" But instead of a bullhorn, it's more like a megaphone that amplifies your brand's message to … [Read more…]

What is social marketing?

Social marketing refers to the use of marketing techniques and strategies to promote social causes, ideas, or behaviors. It’s all about using the power of advertising and communication to create change in society. In simpler terms, social marketing is the art of selling ideas instead of products. Social marketing is not just about raising awareness. … [Read more…]